Amhara Society Network
Amhara Strong
The Amhara Cause
The Amhara people are facing an existential threat as systematic violence, persecution, and attempts at erasure have intensified over the past four decades. Rooted in a history of targeted discrimination due to their identity, the Amhara now confront what has become a calculated campaign of ethnic cleansing. Under the current regime and past political powers, policies and actions have been directed toward marginalizing, displacing, and diminishing the Amhara community. Today, this persecution has reached critical levels, pushing the Amhara people, both within Ethiopia and across the diaspora, to unite and respond with resilience and determination. Together, we must stand against these atrocities and rally in defense of justice, identity, and human rights for the Amhara. We call upon the global community to support the Amhara in their struggle for survival, dignity, and peace.